Jan 2025: I have been awarded the Doreen Thomas Fellowship and the role of assistant professor / lecturer in the NLP group at UniMelb. I am recruiting PhD students!
Our shared task SemEval 2024 Task 1: Semantic Textual Relatedness developed datasets in 14 languages and received 70 submissions. We received an honorable mention for the best paper award at SemEval 2024.
Gisela Vallejo (2021-): A Fair Plan Towards Mitigating Bias and Misinformation
Jemima Kang (2024-): Using NLP to determine semantic drift in mental health discourse
Luc Raszewski (2024): Detecting sockpuppetry on Wikipedia using meta-learning
Archit Aggarwal (2023-2024): Investigating bias in the different language versions of Wikipedia